Definition of Ctenidium


  • comb-like respiratory structure serving as the gill of certain mollusks
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Ctenidium

  • Scrabble® score of the ctenidium (14)
  • Word Chums® score of the ctenidium (21)
  • Words With Friends® score of the ctenidium (18)

Unscramble ctenidium

221 unscramble word found using the letters ctenidium.

cedi cent centu centum cid cide cine cit cite cited citied ctenidium cud cue cued cuit cum cumin cunei cunit cunt cunted cut cute cutie cutin de dei demic demit den deni denim dent di dice dict dictum die diet dim dime din dine dinic dint dit dite duce duci duct due duet dui duit dum dun dunce dune dunite dunitic dunt ecu ed edict edit educt em emic emit emu en end et etic etui ice iced id ide idem ident identic imid imide imine in incite incited incut indict indie indite indium induce induct indue inti intime it item me med medic medii mein meint men mend ment menu met metic meu mi mic mice mid midi mien mince minced mind mine mined mini mint minted minuet minute minuted mite mu mucid mucin mud muid mun mundic muni munite munited munt munted mut mute muted muti mutine mutined mutinied ne ned net neum neumic nice nid nide nidi nie nied nim nit nite nitid nu nude nudie nut te tec ted tedium teiid tein teind ten tend tendu ti tic tice ticed tid tide tie tied time timed timid tin tind tine tined tineid tui tum tumid tun