Definition of Cupflower


  • any of various plants of the genus Nierembergia having upturned bell-shaped flowers
    - nierembergia
  • Mexican evergreen climbing plant having large solitary funnel-shaped fragrant yellow flowers with purple-brown ridges in the throat
    - chalice vine - trumpet flower - solandra guttata
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Cupflower

  • Scrabble® score of the cupflower (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the cupflower (26)
  • Words With Friends® score of the cupflower (23)

Unscramble cupflower

230 unscramble word found using the letters cupflower.

cel ceorl cep cero clef clew clop clou clour clow clue col cole colure cop cope coper cor core corf coup coupe couper couple coupler cour coure cow cower cowl cowp crew crop cropful croup croupe crow cru crue cruel cue cup cupel cur cure curf curfew curl curlew curpel eco ecru ecu ef el elf eorl er erf euro fe fer feu few fleur flew floc floe flop flor flour flow flower flu flue fluor foe fop for force fore forel fou fouer foul foule fouler four fowl fowler fro froe frow fuel fuero fur furl furo furol furole lep lerp leu leuco lew lo lop lope loper lor lore lou loup loupe lour loure low lowe lower lowp luce lucre lur lure oe of ole olpe op ope or orc ore orf orfe orle ou oup our ow owe ower owl owler owre pe pec pel pelf per perc pew plew plow plower plu plue po pol pole poler pore pouf poule pour pow power powerful powre pre pro prof prole proul prow prowl puce pucer puer pul pule puler pur pure purfle purl re rec recoup ref reflow reo rep replow repo rew roc roe role rolf