the act of shortening something by chopping off the ends
"the barber gave him a good cut"
- cutting off -
the act of diluting something
"the cutting of whiskey with water"
"the thinning of paint with turpentine"
the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge
"his cut in the lining revealed the hidden jewels"
the division of a deck of cards before dealing
"he insisted that we give him the last cut before every deal"
"the cutting of the cards soon became a ritual"
removing parts from hard material to create a desired pattern or shape
an excerpt cut from a newspaper or magazine
"he searched through piles of letters and clippings"
- newspaper clipping - press clipping - press cutting -
a piece cut off from the main part of something
the act of cutting something into parts
"his cuts were skillful"
"his cutting of the cake made a terrible mess"
a part (sometimes a root or leaf or bud) removed from a plant to propagate a new plant through rooting or grafting
the activity of selecting the scenes to be shown and putting them together to create a film
- film editing
painful as if caused by a sharp instrument
"a cutting wind"
"keen winds"
"knifelike cold"
"piercing knifelike pains"
"piercing cold"
"piercing criticism"
"a stabbing pain"
"lancinating pain"
unpleasantly cold and damp
"bleak winds of the North Atlantic"
(of speech) harsh or hurtful in tone or character
"cutting remarks"
"edged satire"
"a stinging comment"