Definition of Cyanogenetic


  • capable of producing cyanide
    "amygdalin is a cyanogenetic glucoside"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Cyanogenetic

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  • Word Chums® score of the cyanogenetic (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the cyanogenetic (24)

Unscramble cyanogenetic

588 unscramble word found using the letters cyanogenetic.

accent accenting accinge accite accoy accoying ace acetic acetin acetone acetonic acing acne aconite act actin acting actinon action acton ae aeon aeonic ag age agee agen agency agene agenetic agent agin agio ago agon agone agonic agony ai ain aine ainee ait aiyee an ance ancient ancon ancone ane anent anetic angico ani anion ann anno annoy anoetic anoint anon ant ante anteing anti antic antigen antigene anting any anyon anyone at ate atoc atone atonic atoning atony ay aye ayin ayont cacti cag cage cagey cagot cagy cain can cane cang canine caning cann cannie cannot canny canoe canoeing canon canonic cant canteen cantic cantico canticoy canting cantion canto canton canty cany canyon cat catcon cate cation cay cayenne ceca cecity cee cenote cent centage centai cento cetane cete ciao cienega cig cinct cine cion cit cite cito city coact coacting coagency coagent coat coate coatee coati coating coca cocain cocaine coenact coenacting cog cogence cogency cogent cogie cognac cognate coign coigne coin coinage coit con conceit conceity concent cone coney conga conge congee congenetic congenic coni conia conic conin conine coning conn connate conne connect connie contain conte cony cot cotan cote cotenancy coting cotinga coy coying