Definition of Cyberphobia


  • irrational fear of computers or technology
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Cyberphobia

  • Scrabble® score of the cyberphobia (25)
  • Word Chums® score of the cyberphobia (30)
  • Words With Friends® score of the cyberphobia (27)

Unscramble cyberphobia

548 unscramble word found using the letters cyberphobia.

ab abb abbe abbey aber abhor abo abore abri aby abye ace acer acerb ach ache achier achy acre acro ae aero aerobic aery ah ahi ahoy ai aiery air airy ape aper apery apio apo ar arb arc arch archei archi arco are areic ary ay aye ayre ayrie ba babe babiche babier baby bac bach bah bap bar barb barbe barbie barby bare barhop baric barp barye bay baye be beach beachboy beachy bear bebop becap beray berob bey bhai bi biach bib bibe bicarb bice bicep bier bio birch biro bo boa boab boar bob boba bobac boche boep boh bohea boi bop bor bora bore boric boy boyar bra brace brach brae brap bray breach brei brey bribe brie brio brioche bro broach broch broche by bye byre cab cabbie cabby caber cabob cabre cabrie cabrio cahier cap cape caper caph capi capo capri car carb carbo carboy carby care carhop caribe carob carp carpi cay ceiba cep ceria ceriph cero ch cha chai chair chao chap chape char chare charpie charpoy chary chay che cheap cheapo cheapy cher chi chia chiao chib chip chiro chirp chirpy choir chop chore chorea choria chypre ciao cipher cire