Definition of Cytoarchitecture


  • the cellular composition of a bodily structure
    - cytoarchitectonics
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Cytoarchitecture

  • Scrabble® score of the cytoarchitecture (28)
  • Word Chums® score of the cytoarchitecture (37)
  • Words With Friends® score of the cytoarchitecture (30)

Unscramble cytoarchitecture

1316 unscramble word found using the letters cytoarchitecture.

accite accourt accouter accoutre accoy accrete accrue ace acer acetic ach ache achier achiote achy acouchi acouchy acre acro acroter acrotic act actor acture acuity acute acuter ae aerie aerier aero aery aether aetheric ah ahi ahoy ai aiery air airer airt airth airy ait aitch aitu aiyee aortic ar arc arch archei archer archery archi architect architecture arco arctic are areic arere aret arete arett ariette ariot arrect arret art artery arti artic artier arty aruhe ary at ate athetotic athrocyte atoc atretic atrocity att attic attire attrit attrite attuite aue aurei aureity auric author authority auto ay aye ayre ayrie ayu cache cachet cachou cacoethic cacti cahier car care career carer caret cariere caroch caroche carr carrect carritch carroch carrot carroty carry carrycot carryout cart carte carter cartouch cartouche cat catch catchcry catcher catchier catcht catchy cate catechetic catechu cater caterer cathect cathectic catheter cattery cattie cattier catty cauri cauter cautery cay ceca cecity cee cerate cerci cere ceria ceric cerite cero cerotic cert certie certy cete ceterach ch cha chace chaco chai chair chao chaotic char charcuterie chare charet charette charier chariot charioteer charity charr charro charry chart charter chary chat chatter chatterer chattery chatti chattier chatty