Definition of Cytomegalic


  • of or relating to or characterized by greatly enlarged cells
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Cytomegalic

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  • Words With Friends® score of the cytomegalic (25)

Unscramble cytomegalic

589 unscramble word found using the letters cytomegalic.

accite accloy accoil accoy ace acetic acetyl acetylic acme acmic acmite acolyte act acyl ae ag age agile agio aglet agley agly ago ai aiglet ail aim ait al alco ale alec algetic alit aliyot alme aloe aloetic alt alto am ame ami amice amie amigo amity amole amyl amylic at ate atelic atimy atoc atom atomic atomy ay aye cacolet cacti cag cage cagey cagily cagot cagy cal calcite calico caligo calm calmy calo cam came camel camelot cameo cami camlet camo camogie camote cat cate catelog cay ceca cecal cecity ceil cel celiac celom celomic celt cetyl ciao cicale cicely ciel cig cit cital cite cito citola citole city clag claim clam clame clat clay cleat cleg clem climate clime clit cloam clog clot clote cloy cloye cly coact coal coaly coat coate coati coca coctile coeliac cog cogie coil coit coital col cola cole coley colic colt coly coma comae comal comate comatic come comely comet cometic comic comical comice comital comity comte cot cote cotylae cotyle coy cycle cyclo cyma cymae cyme cymol cyte cytomegalic ea eat ecco eclat eco egal egality egma ego egoity el elm elmy elogy elt em email emic emit emo et