Definition of Decontaminate


  • rid of contamination
    "The soil around the housing development had to be decontaminated by the city"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Decontaminate

  • Scrabble® score of the decontaminate (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the decontaminate (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the decontaminate (22)

Unscramble decontaminate

1130 unscramble word found using the letters decontaminate.

aa academe acai ace aced acedia aceta acetamid acetamide acetate acetated acetin acetone acetonemia acid acme acmite acne acned acnode acoemeti aconite act acta actant acted actin actinon action actioned acton ad adeem adenine adenoma adit adman admen admin admit admittance admittee adnate adnation ado ae aecia aedine aeon aeonian aeonic ai aia aid aida aidance aidant aide aidman aidmen aim aimed ain aina aine ainee ait am ama amain amandine amate amated amation ame amen amend amende amene amened ament amenta amentia ami amia amice amid amide amido amidone amie amin amine amino amnia amnic amnio amnion amniote an ana anadem anaemic anamniote anan anatomic anatto ance ancient ancome ancon ancone and andante ane anecdota anecdote anemia anemic anemone anent anetic ani anima animate animated animato anime anion ann anna annat annatto anno annotate annotated anoa anode anodic anoetic anoint anointed anomia anomic anomie anon ant anta antacid antae ante anted antedate anteed antenati anti antiacne antiatom antic antidote antient antiman antimen antimonate antinode antinome at ate atma atman atoc atocia atom atomic atone atoned atonement atonia atonic att attain attained attend attendance attic attonce attone attoned caa caaed cad cade cadee cadent cadet cadi cadie caeoma caid caiman