Definition of Decortication


  • removal of the outer covering of an organ or part
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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  • Words With Friends® score of the decortication (21)

Unscramble decortication

1319 unscramble word found using the letters decortication.

accend accent accentor accident accidie accite accited accoied accord accordion accredit accretion ace aced acentric acer acetic acetin acetonic acid acider acidic acidier acidotic acini acinic acne acned acnode aconite aconitic acorn acorned acre acred acrid acridin acridine acro acrodont acron acronic acrotic act acted actin actinic actinide actinoid action actioned actioner acton actor ad adit ado adore adorn adroit ae aeon aeonic aero ai aid aide aider aidoi ain aine air aircon aired airn airned airt airted ait an ance and andro ane anecdotic aneroid anetic ani anode anodic anoetic anorectic anoretic ant ante anted anti antic antidote antierotic antired antiriot antre aortic ar arc arced arco arctic arctiid arctoid ard ardent are ared areic arenitic aret arett arid ariot arnotto aroid aroint arointed art arti artic at ate atoc atone atoned atoner atonic atretic att attend attic attire attired attonce attone attoned attorn attorned cacoon cacti cactoid cad cade cadent cadet cadi cadie cadre caid cain caird cairn cairned can cancer cancroid candie candor cane caned caner canid canier canoe canoed canoer cant canted canter cantic cantico canticoed cantier canto cantor cantred car carcinoid card cardi cardie cardio cardiotonic carditic cardon cardoon care cared caret caried carn carnet