Definition of Defecation


  • the elimination of fecal waste through the anus
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Defecation

  • Scrabble® score of the defecation (16)
  • Word Chums® score of the defecation (20)
  • Words With Friends® score of the defecation (18)

Unscramble defecation

503 unscramble word found using the letters defecation.

ace aced acetin acetone acid acne acned acnode aconite act acted actin action actioned acton ad adit ado ae aedine aeon aeonic aft ai aid aide ain aine ainee ait an ance and ane anecdote anetic ani anode anodic anoetic ant ante anted anteed anti antic at ate atoc atone atoned atonic cad cade cadee cadent cadet cadi cadie caf cafe caid cain can candie cane caned canid canoe canoed cant canted canto cat cate catenoid cation cede cedi cee cenote cent centai cento cetane cete ciao cid cide cine cion cit cite cited cito cnida cnidae coat coate coated coatee coati cod coda code codeia codein codeina codeine coden coed coedit coft coif coifed coin coined coit con cond condie cone coned conf confide confit coni conia conte cot cotan cote coted ctene ctenoid da dace dacite dacoit dae daft daftie daine daint dan dance danio dant date dato de deacon deaf deafen dean decaf decan decane decani decant deceit decent deco decon dee deen deet def deface defat defeat defecation defect defection defi defiance defiant define defo deft dei deice deif den dene denet deni denote dent deontic detain di diact diane dice dicot dict dicta die diene