Definition of Demosthenic


  • of or relating to Demosthenes or his oratory
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Demosthenic

  • Scrabble® score of the demosthenic (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the demosthenic (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the demosthenic (21)

Unscramble demosthenic

1226 unscramble word found using the letters demosthenic.

cede cedes cedi cedis cee cees cement cements cenote cenotes cens cense censed cent centesimo centime centimes centimo centimos cento centos cents cesti cestode cestoi cestoid cete cetes ch che chedite chedites chem chemise chemist chemo chemos chems chenet chenets chest chested chi chid chide chides chime chimed chimes chimo chin chine chined chines chinese chino chinos chins chinse chinsed chints chis chit chiton chitons chits chode chon chons chose chosen cid cide cides cids cine cines cion cions cis cist cisted cit cite cited cites cito cits cnemides cnemis cod code codein codeine codeines codeins coden codens codes codist cods coed coedit coedits coeds coesite cohen cohens coin coined coins coit coits come comedies comedist comes comet cometh comets comites coms comte comtes con cond condie condies cone coned cones coni conies cons conte contes cos cose cosed coset cosh coshed cosie cosied cosine cosmid cosmin cosmine cost coste costed cot cote coted cotes coth coths cotise cotised cots ctene ctenes ctenoid de deceit deceits decent decime decimes deco decon decons decos dee deem deems deen deens dees deet deets dehisce dehiscent dei deice deices deism deist deme dement dementi dementis dements demes demeton demetons demic demies demise demist