Definition of Deoxyephedrine


  • an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride
    used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant
    - methamphetamine hydrochloride - chicken feed - shabu
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Deoxyephedrine

  • Scrabble® score of the deoxyephedrine (31)
  • Word Chums® score of the deoxyephedrine (34)
  • Words With Friends® score of the deoxyephedrine (31)

Unscramble deoxyephedrine

689 unscramble word found using the letters deoxyephedrine.

de dee deed deeder deedier deedy deen deep deepen deepened deepener deeper deepie deer deere dehire dehired dehorn dehorned dei deid deider deindex den dene deni denied denier deny deoxy dep depend depone deponed deprehend dere dered deride dern derned dero dex dexie dexy dey di did dido didy die died diedre diene dihedron din dine dined diner dinero dino diode dip diphone dipody dire dixy do dod doe doen doer doh don donder done donee doner dop dope doped doper dopey dopier dopy dor dore doree dorp dory doxie doxy doy doyen dree dreed drey dried drip droid drone droned drony drop dry dye dyed dyer dyne dynode ed eddo eddy edh ee een eerie eery eh ehed eide eider eine en end ended ender ene eon epee ephedrin ephedrine ephod ephor ephori epode epoxide epoxied epoxy epoxyed er ere ered ern erne erned erode eroded ex exed exine exo exode exon expend expended expender expire expired expiry expo eye eyed eyen eyeopener eyer eyne eyre eyrie he heder heed heeded heeder heedier heedy heid heir heired hen hend hended henry hep her herd herded herden here herein hereon heried hern hero heroe heroin heroine heron hery herye heryed