Definition of Depreciator


  • one who disparages or belittles the worth of something
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Depreciator

  • Scrabble® score of the depreciator (16)
  • Word Chums® score of the depreciator (20)
  • Words With Friends® score of the depreciator (18)

Unscramble depreciator

1027 unscramble word found using the letters depreciator.

ace aced acer acid acider acre acred acrid acrider acro acroter act acted actor ad adept adepter adipocere adit ado adopt adoptee adopter adore adorer adroit adroiter ae aerie aeried aerier aero ai aid aide aider air airdrop aired airer airport airt airted ait aortic ape aped aper apert apiece apio apo apod apode aporetic aport apricot aprotic apt apted apter ar arc arced arco arctoid ard ardor ardri are ared arede areic arere aret arete arid arider ariot aroid arrect arret arride art arti artic artier at ate atoc atop atopic atrip cad cade cadee cadet cadi cadie cadre caid caird cap cape caped caper capered caperer capi capo capot capote capri caprid captor car card carder cardi cardie cardio care cared career carer caret caried cariere carotid carp carped carper carpet carpeted carpi carport carr carried carrot cart carte carted carter cartop cat cate cater catered caterer cedar cede ceder cedi cedrate cee cep cepe cerate cerated ceratoid cere cered ceria cerite cero cerrado cert certie cete ciao cid cide cider cire cirrate cit cite cited citer cito coapt coapted coat coate coated coatee coater coati cod coda code codeia coder coed coedit coir coit cop cope coped