Definition of Dissolubility


  • the property of being dissoluble
    "he measure the dissolubility of sugar in water"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Dissolubility

  • Scrabble® score of the dissolubility (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the dissolubility (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the dissolubility (22)

Unscramble dissolubility

506 unscramble word found using the letters dissolubility.

bi bid bidi bidis bids bilious biliously bill bills billy billyo billyos bio biolysis bios bis bist bit bito bitos bitou bits bitsy bliss blissout blist blit blits blot blots blousily blousy bludy bluid bluids bluidy bo bod bodily bods body bodysuit bodysuits boi boil boils bois bold boldly bolds boll bolls bolt bolts bolus bos boss bossily bossy bot bots bouilli bouillis boult boults bousy bout bouts boy boys bud budi budis budo budos buds build builds built buist buists bull bulls bully buoy buoys bus busily buss bust busti bustis busts busty busy but buts butyl butyls buy buys by bys byssi byssoid di dib dibs dibutyl dill dilli dillis dills dilly diol diols dis diss dissolubility distil distill distills distils dit dits ditsy do dob dobs doby doilt doily doit doits dol doll dolls dolly dols dolt dolts dos doss dossil dost dot dots doty doubly doubt doubts dout douts doy doys dso dsos dub dubiosity dubs dui duit duits dull dulls dully dulosis duly duo duos dust dustily dusts dusty duty ibis id idiot idiots idly idol idolist idolists idols ids idyl idylist idylists idyll idyllist idyllists idylls idyls ill ills illy io ios is isit