Definition of Domesticize


  • overcome the wildness of
    make docile and tractable
    "He tames lions for the circus"
    "reclaim falcons"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Domesticize

  • Scrabble® score of the domesticize (25)
  • Word Chums® score of the domesticize (30)
  • Words With Friends® score of the domesticize (117)

Unscramble domesticize

513 unscramble word found using the letters domesticize.

cede cedes cedi cedis cee cees cesti cestode cestoi cestoid cete cetes cid cide cides cids cis cist cisted cit cite cited cites citied cities cito cits cod code codes codist cods coed coedit coedits coeds coesite coit coits come comedies comedist comes comet comets comites comities coms comte comtes cos cose cosed coset cosie cosied cosmetize cosmetized cosmid cost coste costed cot cote coted cotes cotise cotised cots coz coze cozed cozes cozie cozied cozies coziest de deceit deceits decime decimes deco decos dee deem deems dees deet deets dei deice deices deism deist deistic deities deme demes demic demies demise demist demit demits demo demoi demos demote demotes demotic demotics desi di dice dices diciest dicot dicots dict dicts die dies diet diets dim dime dimes dims diocese dioecies dioecism dis disc disci disco disme disomic distome dit dite dites dits ditz ditzes do doc docs doe does doest doit doits dom dome domes domestic domesticize domic domiest doms dos dose dost dot dote dotes dots doze dozes doziest dso dzo dzos eco ecod ecos ed edict edicts edit edits eds ee eide eidetic eidetics eidos em eme emes emetic emetics emic emics emit emits emo emos emote