Definition of Double-check


  • something that checks the correctness of a previous check
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Double_check

  • Scrabble® score of the double_check (25)
  • Word Chums® score of the double_check (35)
  • Words With Friends® score of the double_check (29)

Unscramble double_check

326 unscramble word found using the letters double_check.

be beck becke becked becloud bed bede bedeck bedel bedu beduck bee beech beheld behold bel belch belched bhel blech bled blee bleed bloc block blocked bloke blude blue blued bo bocce boche bock bocked bod bode bodle boh bok boke boked bokeh bold bole bouche bouchee boucle bouclee bouk boule buck bucked buckle buckled bucko bud budo buhl buke bulk bulked cede cee cel celeb ch che chebec check checked cheek choc chock chocked chode choke choked chou chub chuck chucked chuckle chuckled cleche cleck clecked cleek cleuch cloche clock clocked clod cloke cloked clou cloud club cluck clucked clue clued cob coble coch cock cocked cockle cockled cod code codec coed coke coked col cold cole coled couch couche couched couchee coude could coulee cub cube cubed cuckold cud cue cued cuke culch de deb debe debel debouch debouche deck deckel deckle decko deco decoke dee deek deke del dele delo deuce dhol dhole do dob dobe doc dock docu doe doek doh dol dolce dole double doublecheck douc douce douche douk dub duce duck due duel duh duke dulce dule duo ecbole ecce ecco ech eche eched echo echoed eco ecod ecu ed edh educe ee eech