Definition of Doublethink


  • believing two contradictory ideas at the same time
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Doublethink

  • Scrabble® score of the doublethink (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the doublethink (26)
  • Words With Friends® score of the doublethink (24)

Unscramble doublethink

758 unscramble word found using the letters doublethink.

be bed bedouin bedu beduin behind behold bein beknot bel belon belt ben bend beni bent bento bet beth bethink betid betoil beton bhel bhut bi bid bide bident bidet bidon bield bien bike biked bile biled bilk bilked bin bind bindle bine bink bint bio biont bit bite bito bitok bitou bled blend blent blet blin blind blink blinked blit blite blithe bloke blond blonde blot blude bludie blue blued bluet bluid blunk blunked blunt blunted bo bod bode bodhi bodkin bodle boet boh bohunk boi boil boiled boink boinked boite bok boke boked bokeh bold bolden bole boleti bolide boline bolt bolted bon bond bone boned bonie bonk bonked bot bote botel both bothie botulin boudin bouk boule boult boulted boun bound bouned bountied bout bud budi budlike budo buhl buik build built buke bulk bulked bun bund bunde bundh bundle bundt bunk bunked bunkie bunko bunkoed bunt bunted but bute buteo butle butled butoh de deb debit debt debunk debut dei deil del deli delink delo delt den deni dent dentil deuton dhobi dhol dhole dhoti dhuti di dib die dieb diel diet dike diluent dilute din dine dink dino dint diol dit dite ditone do dob