Definition of Dreamfully


  • in a dreamy manner
    "`She would look beautiful in the new dress,' Tommy said dreamily"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Dreamfully

  • Scrabble® score of the dreamfully (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the dreamfully (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the dreamfully (22)

Unscramble dreamfully

457 unscramble word found using the letters dreamfully.

ad adry ae aery al alder alderfly ale alef alf all alley allude allure allured ally alme almery almud almude alu aludel alum alure am ame amu amyl ar ard are ared arefy arf arle arled arm armed armful army arum ary aryl aue auf auld aulder ay aye ayre ayu da dae dal dale dalle dally dam dame dare dareful daur day de deaf deafly deal dear dearly deary def defray defy del delay delf dell delly demur demy deray derm derma dermal dey dram dray dream dreamful dreamfully dreamy drey drum drumly dry dual dually duar due duel dule dulfer dull duller dully duly dum duma dumela dura dural dure dye dyer ea ear eard earful earl early eau ed ef el eld elf ell elm elmy em emf emu emyd er era erf erm eyra fa fad fade fader fadeur fady fae faery fall faller fame famed far fard fardel fare fared farl farle farm farmed fauld faur faurd fay fayed fayer fayre fe feal fear fed fell fella felly fem femal femur fer feral ferly ferm ferula feu feuar feud feudal feudally feudary fey flam flame flamed flamer flamy flare flared flary flay flayed flayer flea