Definition of Drumbeat


  • a vehement and vociferous advocacy of a cause
    "the warmongers kept up their drumbeat on Iraq"
  • (military) the beating of a drum as a signal for lowering the flag at sundown
  • the sound made by beating a drum
    - rub a dub
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Drumbeat

  • Scrabble® score of the drumbeat (13)
  • Word Chums® score of the drumbeat (17)
  • Words With Friends® score of the drumbeat (16)

Unscramble drumbeat

271 unscramble word found using the letters drumbeat.

ab abed aber abet abut ad ae am amber ame amu ar arb arbute ard ardeb are ared aret arm armed armet art arum at ate aue ba bad bade bam bar bard barde bare bared barm bat bate bated baud baur be bead beam bear beard beat beau beaut bed bedu bema bemad bemud berm bet beta bra brad brae brame brat bread bream bred bru brume brut brute bruted buat bud buda bum bur bura burd buret but bute da dab dae dam dame darb dare dart date dater datum daub daube dauber daur daut de dear deb debar debt debur debut demur derat derm derma drab dram drat dream dreamt drub drum drumbeat duar dub due duet dum duma dumb dumber dura dure ea ear earbud eard eat eau ed em embar emu er era erm erub et eta ma mabe mad made madre mae mar mard mare mart marted mat mate mated mater mature matured maud maut me mead meat med met meta meu mu mud mudra mura mure mured mut mute muted muter rad rade ram ramet rat rate rated ratu re read ream reb rebut red redub rem remuda ret rub rube rud rude