Definition of Eightpence


  • a coin worth eight pennies
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Eightpence

  • Scrabble® score of the eightpence (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the eightpence (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the eightpence (21)

Unscramble eightpence

218 unscramble word found using the letters eightpence.

cee cegep cent cep cepe cete ch che cheep cheeping chenet chi chin chine ching chip chit cig cine cit cite ctene ech eche eching echt ee eech eeching een egence eh ehing eight eighteen eightpence eigne eine en ene eng entice epee epic epicene epigene et etch etching eten eth ethe ethene ethic ethne ethnic etic gee geep geit gen gene genet genetic genic genie genip gent get ghee ghi gi gie gien gin ginch gip git gitch gite he hen hence henge hent hep hept het hete heting hi hic hie hin hing hinge hint hip hipt hit ice ich in incept inch inept ing it itch ne nee neep neg neigh nep nepit net nete nice niche nicht nie niece nigh night nip nit nite nth pe pec pech peching pecten pectin pee peece peeing peen peenge peg pegh peh pein peinct pen pence pene peni penie pent pentice pet ph phene phenetic phengite phenic phi pht pi pic pice picene pie piece piecen piet pig pight pin pinch pine ping pint pit pitch pith te tec tech techie tee teeing teen teene teg tein ten tench tene tenge tepee the thee theeing thegn theic thein theine