Definition of Embiotocidae


  • viviparous percoid fishes comprising the surf fishes
    - family embiotocidae
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Embiotocidae

  • Scrabble® score of the embiotocidae (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the embiotocidae (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the embiotocidae (22)

Unscramble embiotocidae

512 unscramble word found using the letters embiotocidae.

ab abcee abed abet abid abide abietic abiotic abo abode ace aced acid acme acmite acoemeti act acted ad adbot adeem adit admit ado adobe adobo ae ai aid aide aidoi aim aimed ait am ambit ambo ame amebic ameboid ami amice amici amid amide amidic amido amie amoebic amoeboid at ate atoc atom atomic ba bac bad bade bait baited bam bat bate bated be bead beam beamed beat became become bed bede bedim bedmate bedtime bee beedi beet bema bemad bet beta bete beted betid betide betime betimed bi bice bid bide bidet bidi bima bio biocide biodot biome biota biotic bit bite bito bo boa boat boated boatie bod bode bodice boet boi boite boma boo booai boodie booed boom boomed boot booted bootee bootie bot bota bote cab cad cade cadee cadet cadi cadie caid cam came cameo cameoed cami camo camoodi camote cat cate cebid ceboid cede cedi cee ceiba cete ciao cid cide cit cite cited citied cito coadmit coat coate coated coatee coati cob cobia cod coda code codeia coed coedit coit coma comade comae comate comb combat combated combe combed combi combo come comedo comet comitia comte coo cooed cooee cooeed coom