Definition of Enantiomorphism


  • the relation of opposition between crystals or molecules that are reflections of one another
    - mirror image relation
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Unscramble enantiomorphism

3924 unscramble word found using the letters enantiomorphism.

ae aeon aeons aero aeronomist aeros aesir ah ahem ahent ahi ahint ahis ahorse ahs ai aim aimer aimers aims ain aine ains air airest airiest airmen airn airns airpost airs airship airshot airsome airstop airt airth airths airtime airtimes airts ais ait aits am ame amen amens ament aments ames ami amie amies amin amine amines amino aminopterin aminopterins aminos amins amir amirs amis amities ammine ammines ammino ammo ammon ammonite ammonites ammono ammons ammos amnio amnion amnions amnios amniote amniotes amniotomies amoret amorets amorini amorino amorism amorist amorphism amort amortise amosite amotion amotions amp amps amrit amrits an ane anenst anent anes anestri ani anime animes animi animis animism animist anion anions anis anise ann anno anns anoestri anoint anointer anointers anoints anomie anomies anon another ans ant ante anteroom anterooms antes anthem anthemion anthemis anthems anther anthers anthro anthros anti antihero antiheroism antimen antimerism antimine antimonies antinoise antinome antinomes antinomies antiphon antiphoner antiphoners antiphonies antiphons antiporn antis antiship antre antres ants antsier aorist ape aper apers apert apes apeshit aphis aphonies aphorise aphorism aphorist apio apios apish apism apo aport apos apothem apothems apres apron aprons apse apso apt apter apterism apts ar are ares aret arets