Definition of Endermatic


  • acting by absorption through the skin
    "endermic ointment"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Endermatic

  • Scrabble® score of the endermatic (15)
  • Word Chums® score of the endermatic (21)
  • Words With Friends® score of the endermatic (18)

Unscramble endermatic

957 unscramble word found using the letters endermatic.

ace aced acer acetin acid acider acme acmite acne acned acre acred acrid act acted actin ad adeem adermin adit admen admin admire admit ae aedine aerie aeried ai aid aide aider aidmen aim aimed aimer ain aine ainee air aired airmen airn airned airt airted ait am ame ameer amen amend amende amender amene amened ament amerce amerced ami amice amid amide amie amin amine amir amnic amrit an ance and ane anemic anetic ani anime ant ante anted anteed anti antic antimere antired antre ar arc arced arcmin ard ardent are ared arede areic arene arenite aret arete arid arm armed armet art arti artic at ate cad cade cadee cadent cadet cadi cadie cadre caid cain caird cairn cairned cam came cami can candie cane caned caner canid canier cant canted canter cantered cantier cantred car card cardi cardie care cared careen careme caret caried carmen carmine carn carnet carnie carnied cart carte carted cat cate cater catered cedar cedarn cede ceder cedi cedrate cedrine cee cement cementa cemitare cendre cent centai centare center centiare centime centra centre centred ceramide cerate cerated ceratin cere cered ceria cerite cermet cerne cerned cert certain certie cetane cete cid cide