Definition of Entoprocta


  • sometimes considered a subphylum of Bryozoa
    - phylum entoprocta - endoprocta
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Entoprocta

  • Scrabble® score of the entoprocta (14)
  • Word Chums® score of the entoprocta (19)
  • Words With Friends® score of the entoprocta (17)

Unscramble entoprocta

531 unscramble word found using the letters entoprocta.

ace acer acne acorn acre acro acron act acton actor ae aeon aero an ance ane ant ante antre ape aper apert apo aport apron apt apter aptote ar arc arco are aret arett arnotto arpen arpent art at ate atoc atone atoner atop att attercop attonce attone attorn can cane caner canoe canoer cant canter canto cantor cap cape caper capo capon capot capote captor car care caret carn carnet caron carp carpet cart carte carton cartoon cartop cat cate cater catnep cent cento centra cep cero ceroon cert coapt coat coate coater con cone conte conto contort contra contrat contrate coo cooer coon coop cooper coopt coot cooter cop coparent copatron cope copen coper copra copter cor coranto core corn cornea cornet cornett cornetto corno corona coronae coronate coronet corotate cot cotan cote cott cotta cottae cottar cotter cotton cran crane crap crape crate craton creant crena crepon crept cron crone cronet croon crop croton ea ean ear earcon earn eat eco en enact enactor enrapt enroot entoproct entrap eoan eon epact er era ern et eta etat etna na nacre nae nap nape napoo narc narco nare nat natter ne neap near neat nectar nep net netop