Definition of Epimorphic


  • characterized by incomplete metamorphosis
    having the same number of body segments in successive stages
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Epimorphic

  • Scrabble® score of the epimorphic (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the epimorphic (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the epimorphic (24)

Unscramble epimorphic

270 unscramble word found using the letters epimorphic.

cep ceriph cero ch che chem chemo cher chi chime chimer chimo chimp chip chipper chippie chippier chirm chiro chirp choir chomp chomper chop chopper choppier chore chrome cimier cipher cippi cire coheir coir come comer comp comper cop cope coper copier copper cor core corm crem crim crime crimp crip cripe crome crop croppie ech echo eco eh em emic emir emo empiric ephor ephori epic epimorphic epoch eprom er eric erm he heir hem hemic hemiopic hemp hep her herm hero heroic hi hic hie him hioi hip hipper hippic hippie hippier hippo hire hm ho hoc hoe hoer hoi hom home homer homeric homie homier hop hope hoper hopper hoppier hore hori horme hormic ice icer ich ichor icier imp impi impro io ire me meh merc merch meri meropic mho mi mic mice mich miche micher mico micro mihi mir mirchi mire miri miro mo moc moch mochi mochie mochier moe moer mohr moi moire mop mope moper mopier mopper moppier mor more moriche morph morphic och oche ocher ochre oe oh ohm ohmic oi om omer op ope or orc ore orphic pe pec pech peh pep pepo per perc perch peri perm perp ph