Definition of Eratosthenes


  • Greek mathematician and astronomer who estimated the circumference of the earth and the distances to the Moon and sun (276-194 BC)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Eratosthenes

  • Scrabble® score of the eratosthenes (15)
  • Word Chums® score of the eratosthenes (16)
  • Words With Friends® score of the eratosthenes (15)

Unscramble eratosthenes

1274 unscramble word found using the letters eratosthenes.

ae aeon aeons aero aeros aesthete aesthetes aether aethers ah ahent ahorse ahs an ane anes anoeses another ans ant ante antes anther anthers antheses anthro anthros antre antres ants ar are arene arenes arenose ares aret arete aretes arets arett aretts arose ars arse arseno arses arsheen arsheens arson arsons art arts as ash ashen ashes ashet ashets ashore ass assent assenter assentor assert asset assort assot assott aster astern asters astert asterts asthore asthores astone astones at ate ates atheteses athetoses atone atoner atoners atones ats att attone attones attorn attorns ea ean eans ear earn earnest earnests earns ears earshot earshots earst earstone earstones earth earthen earths earthset earthsets eas ease easer easers eases east easter eastern easters easts eat eaten eater eaters eath eathe eats ee een eh ehs en enate enates ene enes enhearse enhearses enoses ens ensate ensear ensears entases enter entera enterate enters entete entreat entreats entree entrees ents eoan eon eons eothen er era eras erase erases ere eres ern erne ernes erns eros erose eroses eroteses ers erses erst es eses esne esnes ess esse est estate estates ester esterase esters esthete esthetes estreat estreats estro estrone estrones estros ests et