Definition of Erianthus


  • genus of reedlike grasses having spikes crowded in a panicle covered with long silky hairs
    - genus erianthus
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Erianthus

  • Scrabble® score of the erianthus (12)
  • Word Chums® score of the erianthus (14)
  • Words With Friends® score of the erianthus (13)

Unscramble erianthus

827 unscramble word found using the letters erianthus.

ae aesir ah ahent ahi ahint ahis ahs ai ain aine ains air airest airn airns airs airt airth airths airts ais ait aits aitu aitus an ane anes anestri ani anis anise ans ant ante antes anther anthers anti antis antre antres ants antsier anu anus ar are ares aret arets aris arise arisen arish arnut arnuts ars arse arshin arshine arsine art arti arties artis arts artsie aruhe aruhes as ash ashen ashet ashier ashine aster astern astir astun at ate ates ats aue aune aunes aunt aunter aunters auntie aunties aunts aurei aures auris aurist ea ean eans ear earn earns ears earst earth earths eas east eat eath eats eau eaus eh ehs eina eish en ens entia ents er era eras erhu erhus erinus ern erns ers erst es est estrin et eta etas eth eths etna etnas etui etuis ha hae haen haes haet haets hain hains haint haints hair hairnet hairnets hairs hairst han hanse hant hants hare hares harn harns hart harten hartens harts has hast haste hasten hastier hat hate hater haters hates hats haun hauns haunt haunter haunters haunts haurient hause hausen haut haute hauter he hear hears heart hearts