Definition of Ethchlorvynol


  • a mild sedative-hypnotic drug (trade name Placidyl)
    - placidyl
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Ethchlorvynol

  • Scrabble® score of the ethchlorvynol (27)
  • Word Chums® score of the ethchlorvynol (34)
  • Words With Friends® score of the ethchlorvynol (29)

Unscramble ethchlorvynol

562 unscramble word found using the letters ethchlorvynol.

cel cell cello celt cent cento centry ceorl cero ceroon cert certy cetyl ch che cher cheroot chert cherty cheth chevron chevrony chevy cholent choler cholo choltry chon choon chore chorten chortle chyle clon clone cloner cloot clot clote cloth clothe clove cloven clover clovery cloy cloye cly coehorn cohen coho cohoe cohorn cohort col cole coley coll collet colly colon colone colonel colony color colory colt colter coly con cone coney conte conto control controle convert convey conveyor convo convoy cony coo cooer cooey cool cooler coolly coolth cooly coon coonty coot cooter cor core corey corn cornel cornet corno corny coronel coronet corvet cory cot cote coth cotyle cove coven covent cover covert covertly covet covey covyne coy coyer coyote cron crone cronet crony crool croon croony croove croton cry cyte cyton ech echo echt eco eh el ell elt elytron en enol enrol enroll enroot entry envoy envy eon eorl er ern et etch eth ethyl evo eyot he hech hecht hector hectorly heh hell hello helo helot helotry hen henry hent her herl hern hero heron heroon hery het heth hey ho hoc hoe hoer hoh hole holey holler hollo holly holo holon holt holy hon