Definition of Euphorbium


  • an acrid brown gum resin now used mainly in veterinary medicine
    - gum eurphorbium
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Euphorbium

  • Scrabble® score of the euphorbium (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the euphorbium (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the euphorbium (23)

Unscramble euphorbium

269 unscramble word found using the letters euphorbium.

be berm bi bier bimorph bio bioherm biome biro bo boep boh bohrium boi bop bor bore borm brei brie brim brio bro brome bru brume buhr bum bump bumper bumph bumpier bur burp eh em emir emo emu ephor ephori eprom er erbium erhu erm erub euoi euphorbium euro europium he heir hem hemp hep her herb herm hero hi hie him himbo hip hire hm ho hob hoe hoer hoi hom hombre home homer homie homier hop hope hoper hore hori horme hour houri hub hue huer hui hum humeri humor humour hump humper humpie humpier hup hupiro imbrue imbue imp impro impure io ire iure me meh meou meri meu mho mi mib mir mire miro mo mob mobe mobie moe moer mohr mohur moi moire mop mope moper mopier mor more morph mou moue moup mu muir mure ob obe obi oe oh ohm oi om omber ombre ombu omer op ope opium or orb ore ou oup ouph ouphe our ourebi ourie pe peh per peri perm ph phi pho pi pie pier pir piu pium po poem poh poi pom pombe pome pore pour pourie pre prem prim prime primo pro prob probe proem