Definition of Europocentric


  • focussed on Europe and the Europeans
    - eurocentric
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Europocentric

  • Scrabble® score of the europocentric (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the europocentric (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the europocentric (24)

Unscramble europocentric

942 unscramble word found using the letters europocentric.

cecropin cee ceinture cenote cent center cento centre centric centu cep cepe cerci cere ceric cerite cerne cero ceroon cerotic cert certie cete cicero cicerone cicoree cinct cincture cine cion cire cit cite citer cito citron coco coconut coction coenure coenuri coerce coercer coercion coerect coin coiner coinop cointer coir coit con conceit concept concepti concert concerti concerto concrete concur cone coni conic conte conto contour contrecoup conure coo cooee cooer coon coontie coop cooper coopt coorie coot cooter cootie cop cope copen coper copier copout coprince copter cor core corer corn corner cornet corni cornice cornier corno cornu cornute cornuto coroner coronet correct correction correption corrie corrupt corruption cortin cot cote cotenure coterie count counter coup coupe coupee couper coupon cour coure courie courier court courter courtier couter cree creep crepe crepier crepon crept cretic cretin crier crine crip cripe crit croc crocein croceine croci crocine crocoite cron crone cronet croon crooner croonier crop crore croton crotonic croup croupe crouper croupier croupon crout croute crouton cru crue cruet cruor ctene cue cuit cuiter cunei cunit cunt cup cupric cuprite cur cure curer curet curie curiet curio curite curn curnier curr current currie curt curter cut cute cuter cutie cutin