Definition of Exclamation


  • an exclamatory rhetorical device
    "O tempore! O mores"
  • a loud complaint or protest or reproach
  • an abrupt excited utterance
    "she gave an exclamation of delight"
    "there was much exclaiming over it"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Exclamation

  • Scrabble® score of the exclamation (22)
  • Word Chums® score of the exclamation (31)
  • Words With Friends® score of the exclamation (26)

Unscramble exclamation

831 unscramble word found using the letters exclamation.

aa aal acai ace aceta acetal acetin acme acmite acne aconite act acta actin actinal action acton ae aecia aecial aeolian aeon aeonic ai aia ail ailanto ailment aim ain aina aine ait al ala alae alaiment alamo alan alane alant alate alation alco ale alec alexia alexic alexin alicant alien aliment aline alit alma almain alme alnico aloe aloetic aloin alone alt alto am ama amain amate amation amatol ame amelia amen ament amenta amental amentia ami amia amice amie amin amine amino amla amnia amnic amnio amniote amole an ana anaemic anal analcime analcite anatomic ance ancile ancle ancome ane anemia anemic anetic ani anil anile anima animal animate animato anime anlace anoa anoetic anole anomia anomic anomie anoxaemic anoxemia anoxemic anoxia anoxic ant anta antae ante anti antic antical antimale antlia antliae at ataxic ate atelic atma atman atoc atocia atom atomic atomical atonal atone atonia atonic atoxic ax axal axe axel axeman axenic axial axil axile axiom axion axite axle axman axmen axon axonal axone axonemal axonic caa caeoma caiman cain cal calami calamine calamint calamite calima calix calm calmant calo calx cam cama camail caman came camel camelia camelot cameo cami camion camlet camo camote