Definition of Extravasation


  • the process of exuding or passing out of a vessel into surrounding tissues
    said of blood or lymph or urine
  • (of volcanos) pouring out fumes or lava (or a deposit so formed)
  • an extravasated liquid (blood or lymph or urine)
    the product of extravasation
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Extravasation

  • Scrabble® score of the extravasation (23)
  • Word Chums® score of the extravasation (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the extravasation (25)

Unscramble extravasation

1425 unscramble word found using the letters extravasation.

aa aarti aartis aas ae aeon aeons aeration aerations aero aeros aerosat aerostat aerotaxis aesir aestivator aetatis ai aia aias ain aina ainas aine ains air airest airn airns airs airt airts ais ait aits aiver aivers an ana anas anata anatas anatase anatexis anatta anattas anatto anattos ane anear anears anes anestra anestri ani anis anise anoa anoas anoestra anoestri anorexia anorexias anoxia anoxias ans ansa ansae ansate ant anta antae antar antara antaras antars antas ante antes anti antiar antiars antis antisera antisex antitax antra antre antres ants antsier aorist aorta aortae aortas ar araise are area areas arena arenas ares aret arets arett aretts aria arias arietta ariettas ariose ariot aris arise arisen arista aristae aristate aristo arna arnas arnatto arnattos aroint aroints arose ars arse arseno arsine arsino arson arsonite art artesian arti arties artiest artis artisan artist artiste arts artsie arvo arvos as asana asar asea astare astart astatine aster asteria astern astert astir astone astrantia at atar ataraxies atars atavist ataxia ataxias ataxies ate ates atone atoner atoners atones atonia atonias atonies atresia atria ats att attain attainer attainers attains attar attars attire attires attone attones attorn attorns ava avant avanti avantist avas avast