Definition of Featherfoil


  • a plant of the genus Hottonia
    - feather foil
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Featherfoil

  • Scrabble® score of the featherfoil (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the featherfoil (21)
  • Words With Friends® score of the featherfoil (20)

Unscramble featherfoil

655 unscramble word found using the letters featherfoil.

ae aerie aero aerolite aerolith aether aff affeer affret afire afore afreet afrit afro aft after afterlife ah ahi ai ail air airhole airt airth ait al ale alee alef aleft alert alf alif alit aloe aloft alt alter altho alto ar are areole aret arete arf ariel aril ariot arle art artel arti at ate atelier ea eale ear earhole earl earth eat eater eath eathe ee eel ef eff effeir effort eft eh either el elate elater elf elhi elite elt eolith eorl er era ere erf et eta etaerio eth ethal ethe ether etherial etoile fa fae faerie fah fahlore fail fair faith faither faitor falter far fare farfel farfet farl farle faro fart farthel fat fate father fe feal fear feare feart feat feater feather featlier fee feel feer feet feh felt felter feltier fer feral fere feria feriae ferial ferlie fertile fet feta fetal fete fetial fetor fiar fiat fie fief fier fiere fife fifer fifth fil fila filar filaree file filer filet filfot filo filter filth filtre fir fire firefloat firlot firth fit flair flare flat flea flee fleer fleet flier flir flirt flit flite float floater floatier floe flor flora florae floreat floret