Definition of Felicitation


  • the act of acknowledging that someone has an occasion for celebration
  • (usually plural) an expression of pleasure at the success or good fortune of another
    "I sent them my sincere congratulations on their marriage"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Felicitation

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  • Word Chums® score of the felicitation (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the felicitation (20)

Unscramble felicitation

613 unscramble word found using the letters felicitation.

ace acetin acini acne aconite act actin actinolite action acton ae aeon aeonic aft ai ail ain aine aioli ait al alco ale alec alef aleft alf alien alif aline alit alnico aloe aloetic aloft aloin alone alt alto an ance ancile ancle ane anetic ani anil anile anoetic anole ant ante anti antic antileft antilife at ate atelic atilt atoc atone atonic att attic attonce attone caf cafe cain cal calf calif califont calo calotte can cane canoe cant cantle cantlet canto cat cate cation catlin cattie cattle ceil ceili cel celt cent centai cental cento ciao ciel cilia ciliate ciliation cine cineol cion cit cital citation cite cito citola citole clan clat clean cleat clef cleft client clift cline clint clit clon clone clot clote coal coat coate coati coft coif coil coin coit coital col cola cole coletit colin colt coltan con cone conf confetti confit conflate coni conia conte cot cotan cote cott cotta cottae ea ean eat eclat eco ef eft eina el elain elan elation elf elfin elicit elicitation elint eloin elt en enact enatic eniac enlit enol enolic entail entia entoil entotic eoan eolian eon et eta etalon etat etic etiolin etna ettin