Definition of Femtochemistry


  • the branch of chemistry that studies elementary (often very fast) chemical reactions as they occur
    the experimental methods are often based on the use of femtosecond laser pulses
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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Unscramble femtochemistry

1918 unscramble word found using the letters femtochemistry.

cee cees cere ceres cerise cerite cerites cermet cermets cero ceros cert certes certie certify certs certy cesti cestoi cete cetes ch che cheer cheerio cheerios cheero cheeros cheers cheery cheesy chef chefs chem chemise chemism chemist chemistry chemmies chemmy chemo chemos chems cher chere cherem cherems chert chertiest cherts cherty chest chestier chesty chi chief chiefer chiefery chiefest chiefry chiefs chime chimer chimere chimeres chimers chimes chimo chirm chirms chiro chiros chirt chirts chis chit chits chitter chitters chitty choir choirs chommie chommies chore choree chorees chores chorism chorist chose chott chotts chrism chrisom christom christy chrome chromes chromiest chromise chromite chromites chromy chyme chymes chymist cire cires cis cist cit cite citer citers cites cither cithers cito cits city coesite coft coheir coheirs cohere coheres coif coifs coir coirs coit coits come comer comers comes comet cometh comether comethers comets comfier comfiest comfit comfits comfrey comfreys comfy comites comity comm commer commere commeres commers commie commies commis commish commit commits committee committees committer committers comms commy coms comte comtes cor core cores corey coreys corf cories corm corms cors corse corset corsey corsite cory cos cose coset cosey cosh cosher coshery cosie cosier cost coste coster cosy cot