Definition of Focalisation


  • the act of bringing into focus
  • the confinement of an infection to a limited area
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Focalisation

  • Scrabble® score of the focalisation (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the focalisation (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the focalisation (20)

Unscramble focalisation

856 unscramble word found using the letters focalisation.

aa aal aalii aaliis aals aas acai acais acini act acta actin actinal actinia actinias actins action actions acton actons acts afloat afocal afoot aft aftosa ai aia aias ail ailanto ailantos ails ain aina ainas ains aioli aiolis ais ait aits al ala alan alans alant alants alas alation alations alco alcos alf alfa alfas alfs alias alicant alicants alif alifs alison alist alit alnico alnicos aloft aloin aloins aloo aloof aloos als also alsoon alt alto altos alts an ana anal anas ancilia ani anil anils anis anisic anlas anoa anoas ans ansa ant anta antas anti antic antical antics antis antisocial antlia ants as asci ascian ascon ascot asinico aslant asocial at atlas atoc atocia atocias atocs atonal atonia atonias atonic atonics ats caa caas caf cafila cafilas cafs caftan caftans cain cains cal calf calfs calif califont califonts califs calo calos can canal canals canola canolas cans canso canst cant cantal cantals canto cantos cants casa casini casino casita cast cat catalo catalos cation cations catlin catlins cats ciao ciaos cilia cion cions cis cist cit cital citals cito citola citolas cits clan clans clast clat clats clift clifts clint clints clit clits cloison clon clons