Definition of Fothergilla


  • small genus of deciduous shrubs of the southeastern United States
    - genus fothergilla
  • any of several deciduous low-growing shrubs of the genus Fothergilla having showy brushlike spikes of white flowers in spring and fiery red and orange autumn color
    grows from Alabama to the Allegheny Mountains
    - witch alder
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Fothergilla

  • Scrabble® score of the fothergilla (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the fothergilla (21)
  • Words With Friends® score of the fothergilla (20)

Unscramble fothergilla

838 unscramble word found using the letters fothergilla.

ae aero aerolith afire afore afrit afro aft after ag age ager agile agiler agio aglet ago agro ah ahi ai aight aiglet aigret ail air airhole airt airth ait al ale alef aleft alert alf algor alif alight alit all allegro allot aloe aloft alright alt alter altho alto ar are areg aret arf argh argil argle argol argot ariel aright aril ariot arle art artel arti at ate athrill atoll ea ear earl earth eat eath ef eft egal ego eh eight el elf elhi ell elt eolith eorl er era erf erg ergo ergot et eta eth ethal fa fae fag fagot fagoter fah fahlore fail faille fair faith faither faitor fall faller falter far fare farl farle faro fart farthel fat fate father fe feal fear feart feat feg feh fell fella fellah fellatio fellator felt fer feral feria ferial fet feta fetal fetial fetor fiar fiat fie fier fig fight fighter figo fil fila filar file filer filet fill fille filler fillet fillo filo filter filth filtre fir fire firehall firlot firth fit flag flail flair flare flat flea fleg flier flight flir flirt flit flite float floatel floater floatier floe flog flor flora florae