Definition of Gelechiidae


  • important economic pests
    - family gelechiidae
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Gelechiidae

  • Scrabble® score of the gelechiidae (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the gelechiidae (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the gelechiidae (20)

Unscramble gelechiidae

277 unscramble word found using the letters gelechiidae.

ace aced ach ache ached acid ad ae aedile ag age aged agee agile aglee ah ahed ahi ai aid aide ail ailed al alcid ale alec alee algicide algid cad cade cadee cadge cadi cadie cag cage caged caid cal calid cede cedi cee ceil ceiled ceili ceilidh cel ch cha chad chai chal che chela chelae chi chia chid chide chiel chield child childe chile chili chiliad cid cide ciel cieled cig cilia clad clade clag cleg clied da dace dae dag dah dahl dal dale dali de deal decal decile dee deg dei deice deil del dele deli delice dhal di dial dice dich die diel dig ea each eagle eagled eale ealed ecad ech eche eched ed edge edh edile ee eech eeched eel egad egal eh ehed eide eild el elchee elchi eld elegiac elhi eliad eliche elide gach gached gad gade gadi gae gaed gaid gal gale galed geal gealed ged gee geed gel geld gelee gelid ghee ghi gi gid gie gied gila gild glace glaced glaceed glad glade gled glede glee gleed glei glia glid glide ha had hade hae haed hag hail hailed hale haled halid halide he head heal heald