Definition of Gnathostome


  • a vertebrate animal possessing true jaws
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Gnathostome

  • Scrabble® score of the gnathostome (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the gnathostome (21)
  • Words With Friends® score of the gnathostome (19)

Unscramble gnathostome

836 unscramble word found using the letters gnathostome.

ae aeon aeons ag age agen agent agents ages ago agon agone agones agons ags ah ahem ahent ahs am ame amen amens ament aments ames among amongst an ane anes angst ans ant ante antes anthem anthems ants as ash ashen ashet ashmen astone at ate ates atmos atom atoms atone atones ats att attone attones ea ean eans eas east eat eath eats egma egmas ego egos eh ehs em emo emong emongst emos ems en eng engs ens ents eoan eon eons es est et eta etas etat etats eth ethnos ethos eths etna etnas gae gaen gaes gam game games gamest gamone gamones gams gan gane gans gant gants gas gash gasmen gast gat gate gates gath gaths gats gean geans geason geat geats gem gemot gemots gems gen gena genas genoa genoas genom genoms gens gent gentoo gentoos gents geo geomant geomants geos gest gestant get geta getas gets ghast ghat ghats ghest ghetto ghettos ghost gnash gnat gnathostome gnats gnomae gnome gnomes go goa goas goat goats goatse goe goes goest goeth gon gone gons goo goon goons goos goose gos gosh gosht got goth goths gotta gotten ha hae haem haems haen haes