Definition of Gnetophyta


  • gymnospermous flowering plants
    supposed link between conifers and angiosperms
    in some systems classified as a class (Gnetopsida) and in others as a subdivision (Gnetophytina or Gnetophyta)
    - gnetopsida - class gnetopsida - gnetophytina - subdivision gnetophytina
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Gnetophyta

  • Scrabble® score of the gnetophyta (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the gnetophyta (21)
  • Words With Friends® score of the gnetophyta (20)

Unscramble gnetophyta

403 unscramble word found using the letters gnetophyta.

ae aeon ag age agen agent ago agon agone agony ah ahent ahoy an ane ant ante any ape aphony apo apt aptote at ate atone atony atop atopy att attone ay aye ayont ea ean eat eath ego eh en eng eoan eon epha et eta etat eth etna eyot gae gaen gan gane gant gap gape gapo gapy gat gate gath gay gean geat gen gena genoa gent genty geo get geta gey geyan ghat ghetto gnat gnatty go goa goat goaty goe goeth goety goey gon gone got goth gothy gotta gotten goy gynae gyno gyp gypo gyte ha hae haen haet hag han hang hant hao hap hapten hat hate hatpeg hay he heap heapy heat hen hent hep hept heptagon het hey ho hoa hoagy hoe hog hogan hogen hon hone honey hong hop hope hot hote hoten hotty hoy hoya hye hyen hyena hyp hypate hype hypna hypo hypogea hypogean hyponea hyte na nae nag nah nap nape nat natty nay ne neap neat neath neg nep net netop nett netty no noah nog noh nope not nota notate note nott noy nth ny nye oat oaten oath oaty oe oh on one ony