Definition of Gratefully


  • in a thankful manner
    with thanks
    "he accepted thankfully my apologies"
  • with appreciation
    in a grateful manner
    "he accepted my offer appreciatively"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Gratefully

  • Scrabble® score of the gratefully (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the gratefully (20)
  • Words With Friends® score of the gratefully (20)

Unscramble gratefully

473 unscramble word found using the letters gratefully.

ae aery aft after ag age ager aglet agley aglu agly ague al ale alef aleft alert alertly alf all allergy alley allure ally alt alter alu alure ar are arefy areg aret arf argle argue argufy argute argutely argyle argyll arle art artel artful artfully arty ary aryl at ate aue auf auger ay aye aygre ayre ayu ea ear earful earl early eat eau ef eft egal egally el elf ell elt elytra elytral er era erf erg et eta eyra fa fae faery fag fall faller falter far fare farl farle fart fat fate fatly fault faulty faur faut fay fayer fayre fe feal fealty fear feart feat featly feg fegary fell fella felly felt felty fer feral ferly ferula fet feta fetal feu feuar fey flag flare flary flat flatly flay flayer flea fleg fleur fleury fley flu fluate flue fluey flugel flute fluter flutey fluty fluyt fly flyer flyte fra frae frag frat frate frau fray fret frug frugal frugally fry fuel fug fugal fugally fugle fugly full fullage fuller fullery fully fur fural furl fury fy fyle gae gal gale gall gallery gallet galley gally galut gar gare gart gat gate gater gau gaufer