Definition of Guinea-worm


  • parasitic roundworm of India and Africa that lives in the abdomen or beneath the skin of humans and other vertebrates
    - dracunculus medinensis
  • a painful and debilitating infestation contracted by drinking stagnant water contaminated with Guinea worm larvae that can mature inside a human's abdomen until the worm emerges through a painful blister in the person's skin
    - guinea worm disease
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Word games points for the Guinea_worm

  • Scrabble® score of the guinea_worm (16)
  • Word Chums® score of the guinea_worm (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the guinea_worm (20)

Unscramble guinea_worm

657 unscramble word found using the letters guinea_worm.

ae aeon aero aerugo ag age agen ager agin agio ago agon agone agrin agro ague ai aim aimer ain aine air airgun airmen airn airwomen am ame amen ami amie amigo amin amine amino amir amnio among amour amu an ane anew anger ani anime anomie anow anu ar are areg arew argon argue arm arming arow arum aue auger aune aurei aw awe aweing awing awmrie awn awner awnier awrong ea ean ear earing earn earwig eau egma ego eina em emir emo emong emu emuring en enamor enamour enarm eng engram enigma enorm enow eoan eon er era erg ergo ergon ering eringo erm ern erugo eumong euoi euro gae gaen gain gainer gair gam game gamer gamier gamin gamine gamone gan gane gar gare gari garni garum gau gaum gaumier gaun gaur gaw gean gear gem gen gena genoa genom genro genu genua geo ger geranium germ germain german germin germina geum gi giaour gie gien gin gio girn giro giron gnar gnaw gnawer gnomae gnome gnow gnu go goa goe goer goier gomer gon gone goner gonia gonium gor gora gore gori gorm goura gourami gowan gown grain graine gram grame gran granum grein gren