Definition of Gymnomycota


  • slime molds
    organisms having a noncellular and multinucleate creeping vegetative phase and a propagative spore-producing stage: comprises Myxomycetes and Acrasiomycetes
    in some classifications placed in the kingdom Protoctista
    - myxomycota - division myxomycota - division gymnomycota
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Gymnomycota

  • Scrabble® score of the gymnomycota (24)
  • Word Chums® score of the gymnomycota (31)
  • Words With Friends® score of the gymnomycota (27)

Unscramble gymnomycota

214 unscramble word found using the letters gymnomycota.

act acton ag ago agon agony am ammo ammon ammono among an anomy ant any at atoc atom atomy atony ay ayont cag cagot cagy cam camo can cang cant canto canty cany cat cay coat cog cogon coma comm comma commo common commot commy con conga congo conto cony coo coom coomy coon coonty coot cot cotan coy cyan cyano cyma cyton gam gammon gammy gamy gan gant gat gay gnat go goa goat goaty gon goo goon goony got goy gym gyno gyny ma mac macon mag magot mam man mang mango mangy mano manto manty many mat maty may mayo mm mna mo moa moan moat moc mog mom mon mona monact mong mongo mono monogamy monty mony moo moon moong moony moot mootman mot moy moya my myc myna myoma myomancy na nag nam nat nay ngoma no nog nom noma noo not nota noy ny oat oaty oca octa octagon octan ogam om on ono onto ony oo oogamy oom oon oont oot oy ta taco tag tam tammy tan tang tango tangy tao tay to toc toco tog toga tom toman tommy tomo ton tong tonga tony too toom toon toy toyman toyo toyon