Definition of Gynophore


  • the stalk of a pistil that raises it above the receptacle
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  • Words With Friends® score of the gynophore (19)

Unscramble gynophore

249 unscramble word found using the letters gynophore.

ego eh en eng eon ephor er erg ergo ergon ern eryngo gen genro geo ger gey go goe goer goey gon gone goner gonoph goo gooey goon goonery gooney goony goop goopy goor goory gopher gor gore gorhen gorp gory goy gren grey grone grope groyne grype gryphon gyno gynophore gyp gypo gyre gyro gyron he hen henry hep her hern hero heron heroon hery hey ho hoe hoer hog hogen hon hone honer honey hong honor hoo hooey hoon hoop hooper hoor hop hope hoper hore horn horny hoy hye hyen hyp hype hyper hyperon hypo ne neg negro nep no nog noh noo noop nope nor noy ny nye oe ogre oh oho ohone on one oner onery ono ony oo oogeny ooh oon oop oor op ope open operon or ore orgone orgy orogen orogeny oy oye oyer pe peg pegh peh pen pengo peon peony per pern perog perogy ph pheon pho phon phone phoner phoney phono phony phooey po pogey pogo pogoer pogy poh pone poney pong pongo pongy pony poo poogye pooh poon poor pore porge porgy porn porno porny pory pre preon prey pro prog progeny prone prong proo proyn proyne pry