Definition of Haemophile


  • someone who has hemophilia and is subject to uncontrollable bleeding
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Haemophile

  • Scrabble® score of the haemophile (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the haemophile (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the haemophile (21)

Unscramble haemophile

249 unscramble word found using the letters haemophile.

ae ah ahem ahh ahi ai ail aim al ale alee aleph alme almeh aloe alp am ame ami amie amole amp ample ape apio apiol apo ea eale ee eel eh el elemi elhi elm elope em email eme emo empale epha ephah ha hae haem haemophile hah hail hale halm halo ham hame hao haole hap he heal heame heap heel heh heil hele heli helio helm helo help hem hemal heme hemiola hemophile hemp hempie hep hi hie hiemal hila him hip hm ho hoa hoe hoh hoha hoi hole holm holme holmia holp hom homa home homie hop hope ilea imp impale impel imphee io la lah lam lame lamp lap lea leam leap lee leep lehaim lei leipoa leme lep li lie lima lime limo limp limpa lip lipa lipe lipo lipoma lo loam loipe loma lome lop lope ma mae mahoe mail maile mal male mali map maple me meal mealie mee meh mel mela mho mi miha mil mile milo milpa mo moa moai moe mohel moi moil moile mol mola mole mop mope oe oh ohia ohm oi oil ole olea olm olpae olpe om omlah omphali op opah opal ope pa