Definition of Halictidae


  • a family of small solitary bees
    many are valuable pollinators for agriculture
    - family halictidae
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Halictidae

  • Scrabble® score of the halictidae (16)
  • Word Chums® score of the halictidae (20)
  • Words With Friends® score of the halictidae (17)

Unscramble halictidae

381 unscramble word found using the letters halictidae.

aa aah aahed aal aalii acai ace aced acedia aceta acetal ach ache ached acid act acta acted ad adit ae aecia aecial aecidia aecidial ah aha ahead ahed ahi ai aia aid aida aide ail ailed ait aitch al ala alae alate alated alcade alcaide alcid aldea ale alec alethic alit alt althea at ate atelic caa caaed cad cade cadet cadi cadie caid cal calathi calid caltha cat cate cathead cedi ceil ceili ceilidh cel celt ch cha chad chaeta chaetal chai chal chalet chat che cheat chela chi chia chid chide chiel chield child childe chile chili chiliad chit chital cid cide ciel cilia ciliate ciliated cit citadel cital cite cited citied clad clade clat cleat clied clit da daal dace dacha dacite dae dah dahl dahlia dal dale dalet daleth dali dalt data datal datcha date de deal dealt death decal dei deil del deli delict delt delta deltaic deltic detach detail dhal di diact dial dialect dice dich dicht dict dicta die diel diet dilate dit dita dital ditch dite dithecal ea each eat eath ecad ech echt eclat ed edh edict edictal edit eh eild el elchi eld elhi eliad elicit elt eltchi et