Definition of Hamamelidae


  • a group of chiefly woody plants considered among the most primitive of angiosperms
    perianth poorly developed or lacking
    flowers often unisexual and often in catkins and often wind pollinated
    contains 23 families including the Betulaceae and Fagaceae (includes the Amentiferae)
    sometimes classified as a superorder
    - subclass hamamelidae
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Hamamelidae

  • Scrabble® score of the hamamelidae (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the hamamelidae (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the hamamelidae (21)

Unscramble hamamelidae

262 unscramble word found using the letters hamamelidae.

aa aah aahed aal ad adeem ae aedile ah aha ahead ahed ahem ahi ai aia aid aida aide ail ailed aim aimed al ala alae alameda aldea ale alee alma almah alme almeh am ama amah ame amelia ami amia amid amide amie amla da daal dae dah dahl dahlia dal dale dali dam dame damme de deal dee deem dei deil del dele deli delime deme dhal dhamma di dial die diel dilemma dim dime ea eale ealed ed edamame edema edh edile ee eel eh ehed eide eild el eld elemi elhi eliad elide elm em email emailed eme emma ha had hadal hade hae haed haem haemal hail hailed hale haled halid halide halm halma ham hamada hamal hame hamed hammada hammal hammed he head heal heald healed heame heed heel heid heil heiled held hele heled heli helm helmed hem hemal heme hemmed hi hid hide hie hied hiemal hila hild him hm hmm id ide idea ideal idee idem idle ilea imam la laa lad lade lah laid lam lama lame lamed lamedh lamia lamiae lammed lammie lea lead leam leamed led lee leed lehaim lei leme lemed lemma li lid lie lied lima