Definition of Hampshire


  • British breed of hornless dark-faced domestic sheep
    - hampshire down
  • a county of southern England on the English Channel
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Hampshire

  • Scrabble® score of the hampshire (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the hampshire (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the hampshire (19)

Unscramble hampshire

449 unscramble word found using the letters hampshire.

ae aesir ah ahem ahh ahhs ahi ahis ahs ai aim aimer aimers aims air airs ais am ame ames ami amie amies amir amirs amis amp amps ape aper apers apes aphis apish apism apres apse ar are ares aris arise arish arm armies arms ars arse as ash ashier asp asper aspire ea ear ears eas eh ehs eish em emir emirs ems epha ephah ephahs ephas epris er era eras erm ers es ha hae haem haems haes hah hahs hair hairs ham hame hames hamper hampers hams hap haps hare harem harems hares harim harims harish harm harms harp harpies harps harsh has hash hashier hasp he heap heaps hear hears heh hehs heir heirs hem hemp hemps hems hep hepar hepars heps her herm herma hermai herms hers hership hes hesp hi hie hiems hiera hies him hims hip hips hire hires his hish hm ihram ihrams imp impresa imps ire ires is ish ism ma mae maes mahsir mair maire maires mairs maise map maps mar mare mares maries marish mars marse marsh mas mase maser mash masher mashie mashier me meh meri meris mes mesa mesh mi miha mihas mips mir mire mires