Definition of Handbasket


  • a container that is usually woven and has handles
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Handbasket

  • Scrabble® score of the handbasket (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the handbasket (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the handbasket (21)

Unscramble handbasket

570 unscramble word found using the letters handbasket.

aa aah aahed aahs aas ab aba aband abands abas abase abased abash abashed abask abate abated abates abed abend abends abet abets abs absent abthane abthanes ad adhan adhans adnate ads ae ah aha ahead ahed ahent ahs aka akas ake aked akedah akedahs akes an ana anas and ands ane aneath anes ankh ankhs ans ansa ansae ansate ansated ant anta antae antas ante anted antes ants as asea ash ashake ashed ashen ashet ask askant askanted asked at atabek atabeks ate ates ats ba baa baaed baas bad bade bads bah baht bahts bake baked baken bakes ban banak banaks band banda bandas bandh bandhs bands bane baned banes bank banked banket bankets banks bans bant banted bants bas basan basant base based basen bash bashed bask basked basket basnet bast basta baste basted bat bate bated bates bath bathe bathed bathes baths bats be bead beads beak beaks bean beans beast beat beath beaths beats bed bedash beds bekah bekahs ben bend bends bens bensh bent bents bentsh bes besat best bestad bet beta betas beth bethank bethanks beths bets bhakta bhaktas bhat da dab dabs dae daes dah dahs dak daks dan dank dankest danks