Definition of Handbreadth


  • any unit of length based on the breadth of the human hand
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Handbreadth

  • Scrabble® score of the handbreadth (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the handbreadth (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the handbreadth (21)

Unscramble handbreadth

366 unscramble word found using the letters handbreadth.

aa aah aahed ab aba aband abanded abate abated abater abear abed abend aber abet abrade abraded abthane ad add adder adhan adnate adrad adrate adread adred ae ah aha ahead ahed ahent ahh ahhed an ana and ane anear aneath ant anta antae antar antbear ante anted anther antra antre ar arb arba ard ardeb ardent are area aread ared aredd arena aret arhat arna art at atar ate ba baa baaed bad badder bade bah baht ban band banda bandar banded bander bandh bane baned bant banted banter bar bard barde barded bare bared barehand barn barned barnet bartend bat batard bate bated bath bathe bathed bather be bead bean bear beard beat beath bed bedad ben bend bent berth bertha bet beta beth bhat bra brad brae bran brand brandade branded brane brant brat bread breadth breath bred bren brent da dab dad dada dadah dae dah dan dander dant danted darb dare dared darn darned dart darted data date dated dater de dead dean dear dearn dearth death deb debar debt den denar dent derat dern derth dharna drab drad drant dranted drat dread drent ea ean ear eard earn earth eat eath ed edh eh